Franchise Fame
An insider's marketing guide to incremental growth and soaring success for franchisors
An insider's marketing guide to incremental growth and soaring success for franchisors
by Dani Peleva
Forget everything you think you know
about franchise marketing.
After spending more than 12 years in franchising and marketing and working with global franchisors, Dani gained a deep understanding of the most common challenges and pain points most franchisors experience. This has enabled her to develop a unique model that addresses and resolves these difficulties.
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Packed with useful experiences, case studies and real-life examples, Dani shares her model that considers and involves all franchise stakeholders of a franchise. This is something that literature on franchising has failed to do so far.
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Who would like to grow their franchise in
territories they didn't even dream of,
without risking their personal lives,
working extra hours and over the
weekends or breaking the bank.
That are committed to achieving incremental
growth and soaring success through a franchise
marketing strategy and its implementation,
while ensuring the entire network and all
stakeholders are happy.
Which are key stakeholders in a franchise
business and are actively working
towards sustainable growth, expansion
and network engagement, this book is
an invaluable companion for them, too.
“I am on a mission to connect aspiring entrepreneurs with already successful franchise brands and in this way create economic growth, more decent work and equal opportunity for everybody.
I see a world where through franchising wealth is more evenly distributed between SMEs and large businesses; a world where being your own boss is not just a dream for those who are bold and extremely talented, but for everyone who wants to become a successful entrepreneur. This is what inspired me to write the book Franchise Fame.” – Dani Peleva
Dani led the marketing and branding teams of a global franchisor and later on became a franchisee herself, before founding her award-winning franchise marketing agency. Gaining invaluable experience and extensive knowledge of franchise marketing, both client and agency-side, Dani has worked with franchises from the UK, USA, Australia, Europe and South America, some of which have a presence in more than 2,600 locations worldwide.
“Dani has brilliantly summarised the most important principles of franchise marketing in a comprehensive and easy-to-follow system. This is a must-read for any franchisor looking to grow a strong and engaged network.”
Jenny Farenden
(Head of Franchise Marketing, Not Just Travel)
“This book and its contents are a platform for franchisors to step on, learn from the experience of fellow franchisors from around the globe. They’ll be empowered to start building sustainable growth and enjoy success while achieving franchise fame.” – Dani Peleva
Franchise Fame is a global franchise marketing agency that works with franchises of all sizes. Through its vast experience in digital marketing and franchising, the agency supports franchisors with cost-effective franchise development strategies to grow their networks, while also helping franchisees with local marketing solutions. This comprehensive approach has brought the agency numerous nominations and awards and accolades that are a recognition of their work. Go to the main website.
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Franchise Fame – With the participation of many clients and piers, I hope this book
supports and enables franchisors to achieve incremental growth and soaring success!